Posts Tagged ‘Obedience’

The Ten Commandments are the Boundaries of Life

     The Ten Commandments found in Exodus, chapter 20, were not given for the purpose of restraint, but for our protection.  God’s laws are accompanied with the freedom of choice because He will not violate our will.  The boundaries contain wise counsel that can prevent us from […]

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The Ten Commandments are the Boundaries of Life

The Ten Commandments found in Exodus, chapter 20, were not given for the purpose of restraint, but for our protection.  God’s laws are accompanied with the freedom of choice because He will not violate our will.  The boundaries contain wise counsel that can prevent us from the […]

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Obedience is the Guardrail of Life

Guardrails are placed for our protection along the highways during construction, heavy traffic or hill and mountain regions.  Sometimes the guardrail is the only thing between life and death.  Its ability to save your life depends on your compliance to the authority it represents.  Divine authority is […]

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Etiquette is the Formality of Life

Etiquette is the rules and formality regarding manners that have been established as an unofficial requirement in our society. They apply to everything from table manners to the customs and traditions practiced in specific geographical locations.  To be successful, we need to understand what is socially and […]

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Learning is the Lesson of Life

There is a lesson to be learned in every experience of life.  The Bible says, “Although He was a Son, Jesus learned obedience by the things which He suffered.”  Hebrews 5:8  My dad says, “Sometimes what we are learning is more important than what we are doing.” […]

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Obedience is the Guardrail of Life

Guardrails are placed for our protection along the highways during construction, heavy traffic or hill and mountain regions.  Sometimes the guardrail is the only thing between life and death.  Its ability to save your life depends on your compliance to the authority it represents.  Divine authority is […]

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The Ten Commandments are the Boundaries of Life

The Ten Commandments found in Exodus, chapter 20, were not given for the purpose of restraint, but for our protection.  God’s laws are accompanied with the freedom of choice because He will not violate our will.  The boundaries contain wise counsel that can prevent us from the […]

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