Adult Bible Studies

Adult Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:00 am

Stings of Life Mentoring

Every Tuesday 10:00am – Noon.  Have you been stung-stuck-stranded in life’s situations? There is grace and guidance in the Lord’s Word for the Stings of Life (Psalm 138:8).
Judith Frutig – mentor/teacher


Fridays 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Judith Frutig – mentor/teacher – over 25 years sobriety

Watson Prayer Band/Love in Action/Proverb Woman

The Purpose of Prayer Band…

founded by Sister Emma Watson, is to help individuals to grow and mature in their walk with the Lord.
They meet on Wednesday mornings 9:30am – Noon for lessons, discussions, prayer and fellowship.
This ministry is interfaith & interracial.

In 1989, Sister Emma Watson had a vision of Prayer Band in the picture of an umbrella. The Holy Spirit spoke and told her to look at the umbrella’s underside. When she did, He showed her that the umbrella was being held up by many spokes. The Holy Spirit said that the Lord would always be the handle that would support the umbrella but the covering would be by Prayer Band. This vision showed her the many organizations that would come out of Prayer Band.

Love in Action…

became the first spoke of the umbrella in 1989. The group first met in the home of the late Jean Williams with about 20 people in attendance. From this point they began to meet monthly from house to house. In a very short time the people outgrew the houses and were now meeting in halls, churches and the YMCA.

Prayer Band & Love In Action finally came to rest and are meeting here at Cathedral of Life.

Love in Action meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month (except July & August) at 11:00am – Noon.  All are welcome!

Proverb Woman…

also a Prayer Band Ministry, meets on the 2nd Friday of each month (except July) at 10:00am.
Proverb Woman’s purpose is to give aid to women, men and children.  Spiritually, mentally and financially.  Discussing different topics, being transparent, real and truthful about ourselves.  Being delivered and set free, for we know it’s the truth that sets us free.


4111 38th Street NW, Canton, Ohio 44718
Click for directions
Office Hours ~ Monday - Friday, 9am - 4:30pm
Sunday Services 9am, 10:30am & 6:00pm; Wednesdays 6:30pm at Trinity Gospel Temple
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