Missions ~ Local and Abroad
We believe according to Matthew 25:31-46 that we as Christians and as a church are called to “The Least of These.”
Cathedral of Life regularly helps individuals, families & churches in need. As a church, we financially support every one of these ministries and outreaches but we can’t do it alone. Click here to partner with us in our efforts to GIVE HOPE to our community, our nation and our world. Remember what you do unto the least of these – you’ve done unto Him!
Missions Abroad
Currently Cathedral of Life financially supports the following missions around the world:
- Dr. Ben Oruma – Nigeria
- Victor Zapata – Mexico
- John Withington, FCFI – India
- Ken Gaub, Ken Gaub Ministries – Israel & Radio Ministries around the world
Mission Sundays
On the last Sunday of each month, we turn our focus a specific region of the world. We pray over conditions such as poverty, sickness/disease, crime, hunger and any other prayer issues specific to that area and collect a special offering to contribute toward missions in that region.
Samaritan Sunday / Trinity Dream Center
Every 1st Sunday of the month we have the opportunity to bless the less fortunate in our community. By bringing in necessities and non-perishable, basic food items (no glass please), you help keep our food pantry stocked for those in need as well as support our joint efforts with the Dream Center at Trinity Gospel Temple. In joining with the Dream Center, we are concentrating our efforts on a strategic outreach partner who is already having tremendous impact in our city and across the world. Every month your faithful donations and contributions combined with those of Trinity Gospel Temple, feed over 400 families a week.
Click for more info on the Trinity Dream Center…
Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets
Every year baskets full of food are delivered to families in our community that cannot afford dinner for the Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays.
The Word for You Today Devotionals
Every quarter Cathedral of Life distributes 1,500 daily devotionals throughout the community.
Keys for Successful Living Devotional
is circulated in 100,000 homes weekly in the Canton Repository every Friday and Sunday.
As well as posted on Facebook, Twitter and on Pastor Dana’s blog.
Successful Living
Television outreach ministry is on two programs in 200,000 homes weekly and radio outreach ministry covers all of Northeastern Ohio with potentially millions of listeners every weekday, three times a day on two stations
Catch Pastor Dana weekly on the following broadcasts:
TBN “Successful Living” Thursdays at 11:30a.m.
Massillon Cable Channel 21 Sundays at 10:30a.m.
WHK 1220 AM weekdays at 12:30p.m.
WNPQ 95.9 FM weekdays at 12:00p.m.