There is a lesson to be learned in every experience of life. The Bible says, “Although He was a Son, Jesus learned obedience by the things which He suffered.” Hebrews 5:8 My dad says, “Sometimes what we are learning is more important than what we are doing.” Whether you are young or old, you can learn something new every day.
Have you ever thought about the fact that you didn’t have to learn to do wrong? On the other hand, Isaiah 1:17 admonishes, “Learn to do right.” Learn from your mistakes and you will convert the lessons of life into learning tools. You have not learned a truth until you actually practice it. Hearing the truth produces head knowledge. Learning the truth turns it into a pragmatic experience.
Proverbs 1:5
“Let the wise listen and add to their learning.”
Practical Application and Assignments:
No one can learn without a teachable spirit. John Wooden said, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” When you stop learning, you stop growing.
- Learn to listen. Listening is almost a lost art in today’s world. We learn more by listening than talking. Try the “pen theory.” The person holding the pen gets to speak without interruptions for three minutes. The next person holding the pen has to repeat what the other person said before contributing to the conversation.
- Learn to study. Researching information requires concentration and disciplined, scheduled study habits. Create a relaxed atmosphere away from noise and distractions. Provide adequate lighting, water, and healthy snacks. Exhaustion, hunger, thirst, discomfort, and stress will decrease your concentration level. Include some “time-out” stretching exercises during long periods of research.
- Learn the lesson. Make learning an adventure. Seek answers to your own questions. Learn how to live. Live what you learn.
“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. “ II Timothy 2:15