Etiquette is the Formality of Life

Etiquette is the Formality of Life

Etiquette is the rules and formality regarding manners that have been established as an unofficial requirement in our society. They apply to everything from table manners to the customs and traditions practiced in specific geographical locations.  To be successful, we need to understand what is socially and culturally acceptable.  In an age when the world is as close as the nearest airport, it is important to know protocol.

Most of us will go out of our way to avoid a discourteous person. Rude seems to be the mood of this generation, and it is unacceptable! Good manners will win companions and influence companies.  You don’t get a second chance at a first impression.  Be courteous!

I Peter 3:9 (NKJV)

“Be courteous…that you may inherit a blessing.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Correct procedure can prevent social disasters. Understanding what is expected of you at a formal occasion breeds self-confidence.

  • Become more situationally aware   Educate yourself on the subject of modern etiquette. Visit the library, bookstore, or surf the internet to discover what is proper and improper.
  • Be polite. Rudeness is annoying. For example, most of our cell phones are out of control. A dinner invitation almost automatically includes everyone’s cell phone. Perhaps we should wear a silence your cell phone sign. At least, we should politely, apologetically excuse ourselves in cases of emergencies.
  • Watch your manners. Common courtesies like “excuse me” or gentlemen opening the door for ladies are becoming uncommon. If you were tried in a court room for being rude, would there be enough evidence for you to be found guilty? If your children do not have good manners, take a look at your own. They usually follow the leader.

“Behave yourself wisely, (living prudently and with discretion) in your relations with those of the outside world… Colossians 4:5-6 (AMP)

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