Posts Tagged ‘Accomplishment’

Hunger is the Drive of Life

If you watch professional sports during the competition play-offs you can see the determination and hunger to win in the eyes of the athletes.  Those who participate in the Olympics are driven to compete.  Their hunger for success drives them to hard work, practice, and a sacrificial […]

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Work is the Fulfillment of Life

God could have spoken our world into existence all at once but instead, He formed the creation over a seven day period.  He rested at the end of each day and said, “It is good.”  He accomplished His daily agenda with a “job well done.”   Whether it […]

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Celebrations are the Memories of Life

A celebration is a “party” for the purpose of giving honor to something or someone.  The important dates, accomplishments, and special events in life are worthy of recognition and celebration.  A celebration captures a moment and makes it a memory that lasts for a lifetime.  Beautiful memories […]

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Maturity is the Report Card of Life

We enter into the world in the form of infancy.  There is “no way” a baby can provide for himself.  He only knows if he is satisfied or dissatisfied.  Childhood arrives with the stage of “my way.”  The next phase is the adolescent searching for “some way” […]

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Accomplishment is the Progress of Life

     Your accomplishment or success is not a destination.  Success is a journey.  It is not a place, possession, position, or promotion.  It is a process.  We overestimate the event.  We underestimate the process.  Accomplishment didn’t happen the day you received your diploma.        It began the day […]

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Work is the Fulfillment of Life

God could have spoken our world into existence all at once but instead, He formed the creation over a seven day period.  He rested at the end of each day and said, “It is good.”  He accomplished His daily agenda with a “job well done.”   Whether it […]

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Celebrations are the Memories of Life

A celebration is a “party” for the purpose of giving honor to something or someone.  The important dates, accomplishments, and special events in life are worthy of recognition and celebration.  A celebration captures a moment and makes it a memory that lasts for a lifetime.  Beautiful memories […]

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Ambition is the Quest of Life

Obviously, the root of the word question is the word quest.  I believe all of us are on a quest for knowledge and answers.  The more ambitious we are, the more we are willing to risk asking questions that can only be answered if we are intellectually […]

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Accomplishment is the Progress of Life

Your accomplishment or success is not a destination. Success is a journey.  It is not a place, possession, position, or promotion.  It is a process.  We overestimate the event.  We underestimate the process.  Accomplishment didn’t happen the day you received your diploma.        It began the day you […]

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Enterprise is the Entry of Life

Enterprise is an action word.  It is that “go ahead and make it happen” quality that causes entrepreneurs to achieve.  It is that daring, ambitious, bold initiative that causes us to take a risk and try something untried.  It is the aggressiveness that pushes us into an […]

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