Accomplishment is the Progress of Life

Accomplishment is the Progress of Life

Your accomplishment or success is not a destination. Success is a journey.  It is not a place, possession, position, or promotion.  It is a process.  We overestimate the event.  We underestimate the process.  Accomplishment didn’t happen the day you received your diploma.        It began the day you started school.  If you do wrong things today,          it will show up tomorrow.  If you do right things today, you are already successful.  Accomplishment is a picture of your progress.

The secret of success is found in determining what is important.  Accomplishment is achieved as you prioritize your activities in the habitual practice and performance of your daily routine.  An examination of your priorities and observation of your activities will reveal your measure of success.

Luke 16:10

“He, who is faithful in little things, is faithful also in much.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Progress is a process of continued growth and development. Major environmental changes due to technological innovations are referred to as “progress.”  The horse and buggy had to step back and make room for the automobile.  Rolling hills and meadows give up their forests for housing projects and skyscrapers.  Progress requires change.  Change requires a plan.  You have to plan for success.

  • Think about your lifetime dreams. Divide them into long-range and short-range goals. Determine what it will take to bring them to pass. Plan an ideal daily routine.
  • Answer the following questions: What is your daily schedule?       What do you plan to accomplish in the next twelve months? What do you plan to accomplish in the next thirty days? How will the activities of your actual daily routine help you see these dreams fulfilled? Look at your first and last answer and you can determine if you will be successful.

“…Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” Galatians 6:5 (MSG)

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