Guess what! The church was not man’s idea. It was God’s idea! Jesus said, “…Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18 Because of hypocrisy, rejection, or lack of relevance there are people who are […]
Read moreThe Church is the Community of Life
Fellowship is the Table of Life
In our fast paced American culture we have replaced mealtime around the family table with fast food in route to the next activity, or with a TV dinner around the television in what used to be the family room. No conversation, no interaction, no reflection, and no […]
Read moreFellowship is the Table of Life
In our fast paced American culture we have replaced mealtime around the family table with fast food in route to the next activity, or with a TV dinner around the television in what used to be the family room. No conversation, no interaction, no reflection, and no […]
Read moreThe Church is the Community of Life
Guess what! The church was not man’s idea. It was God’s idea! Jesus said, “…Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18 Because of hypocrisy, rejection, or lack of relevance there are people who are […]
Read moreFellowship is the Table of Life
In our fast paced American culture we have replaced mealtime around the family table with fast food in route to the next activity, or with a TV dinner around the television in what used to be the family room. No conversation, no interaction, no reflection, and no […]
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