Mediocrity is the Unrealized Potential of Life

Mediocrity is the Unrealized Potential of Life

Oil fields or diamond and gold mines are referred to as the most expensive real estate in the world.  However, when you think about it, perhaps the most valuable places on earth may be the cemeteries.  Myles Monroe said, “Graveyards all over the world are repositories of lost treasure: unwritten books, unpainted paintings, uncomposed music, unpenned poetry, unrealized dreams, unfulfilled hopes, unexpressed ideas, unreleased potential, and unfinished growth.”

Mediocrity is expensive because it costs you the success of reaching your potential capability.  Become all that you can be.  Live your dreams.  Go beyond the horizon of mediocrity.  Reach for the stars.

Philippians 3:13

“…this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Recently, a woman on her death bed asked the question, “Am I going to die?”  “Yes,” her daughter responded.  With tears rolling down her cheeks the mother replied, “But I never really lived!”

  • If you haven’t really been living, start living! In other words, if you have poetry inside of you, start writing.  If you have always wanted to play the piano take lessons and start practicing…Excuses, laziness, and procrastination will leave you with regrets and the remorse of unfulfilled potential.
  • Answer the following questions: What are the things you have always wished to do?  Can you imagine living your life without regrets?  It isn’t too late.
  • Discover what is important to you and fulfill your hopes and dreams by doing the things that really matter. Make the most of every second and treasure that which lasts forever.

The Apostle Paul’s final testament was, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness…” II Timothy 4:7, 8

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