Innocence is a quality that cannot be developed, inherited, or earned. It is the innate, chaste characteristic of not being defiled or diluted. It is difficult to describe what it is without describing what it is not, and to what it has not been exposed. The moment one is conscious of innocence, is the moment innocence has potentially been compromised. Chastity violated is ultimately, innocence stolen or forfeited.
There is nothing more precious than the sheer innocence of a new born baby. Innocence often has a certain curiosity due to the lack of exposure to cruelty or carnality. Its greatest strength is also its greatest vulnerability. If your innocence has been robbed, give it to God and ask Him to restore and redeem it. If it is intact, protect it as a precious gift from God.
Psalm 119:41 (MSG)
“Let your love, God, shape my life with salvation, exactly as you promised.”
Practical Application and Assignments:
Mental, spiritual, and sexual purity are God’s gifts to us. They were designed for a specific time and purpose.
- Protect your family from exposure to that which is corrupt and ungodly. Monitor your children’s access to the internet, television, movies, books, music, and relationships. Once a can of soda has been opened, it is just a matter of time until the carbonation goes flat. Once the seal on a jar of canned food products has been broken, it is a matter of time before the contents spoil. Do you know where your children are? Who and what is influencing their values?
- Don’t assume your children know right from wrong. Look for ways to model, teach, reinforce, and celebrate moral values. For example, one family tradition is to present each child with a promise ring at the appropriate age and together make a commitment to chastity.
“The way You tell me to live is always right; help me understand it so I can live to the fullest.” Psalm 119:144 (MSG)
TY for teaching me about innocence and guiding me about the ring