Often couples in marriage counseling complain that their mate has changed. What really has changed is their perception. Sometimes we confuse goals with values. For example, a couple may feel strongly about saving money. However, one may feel money should be saved for a security “nest egg” and never spent. The other may be saving it to spend on a “sunny day.” One may believe in tithing their income to God, while the other may resent giving it away. Their differences did not emerge until a decision was made to spend the money.
Goals are merely a staircase on which to achieve certain levels of accomplishments. Values are the foundational, fundamental principles on which you build your life. They govern your lifestyle and behavior. A building is only as strong as the foundation on which it is built. Countries, businesses, marriages, individuals, presidents, kings, and even tyrants rise and fall because of values.
Proverbs 10:25 (AMP)
“…the uncompromisingly righteous have an everlasting foundation.”
Practical Application and Assignments:
Most of the core values of our belief system were set during our formative years. The separation created by a foundational difference in values can be catastrophic. It is what causes wars, revolutions, and reformation. Right and wrong perceptions cannot be formed according to what is acceptable or unacceptable by society. They must be based on the Word of God.
- Answer the following questions: What do you value? On what do you base the principles that govern your behavior and belief system? Your answer will determine the way you live, what you love, and the manner in which you conduct yourself.
- Make sure your values line up with God’s Word. “Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” II Corinthians 6:14. It is impossible for relationships to survive without the same moral values.
“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
Psalms 11:3