Although it wasn’t wrapped with ribbons and a card attached with your name, at the moment of conception you were given a gift: the gift of time. Time is a period of measurable duration. It is an intermission in eternity. Time is a limited, priceless resource that offers the opportunity to access your potential. Potential is unused opportunities of ability. It is what you are capable of doing, where you are capable of going, and who you are capable of being.
Myles Munroe said, “The abortion of potential is the death of the future.” The way you spend your time will determine your destiny. Ephesians 5:16 tells us to “redeem the time.” One day, time will cease to exist and you will enter into eternity that will never end. You redeem the time and release your potential by using your time wisely today.
Psalm 90:12
“Teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”
Practical Application and Assignments:
Time never stops moving. It is like sand sifting in the hour glass until there is no more. Perhaps we would use time more carefully if we didn’t take it for granted.
- Become more time conscious. Take five minutes and watch the hands on the clock continue to move. If you discovered that time would end at midnight, what things would suddenly become a priority? Are any of those items on your “to do” list today?
- Open each day as a gift and discover its full potential. The movie, ‘The End of the Spear’ portrays the martyrdom of five missionaries whose life and death lead to the salvation of an entire tribe of Auca Indians. They understood their mission. They lived their life as if their next step would carry them into the threshold of eternity.
- Seize each moment. This moment in time will only happen once, so make your “once upon a time” worth happening.
“Behave yourselves wisely…making the very most of the time and seizing (buying up) the opportunity.” Colossians 4:5 (AMP)