Righteousness is the Justification of Life

Righteousness is the Justification of Life

Righteousness is being right with God, others, and ourselves.  In the Greek language, righteousness means justification.  Justification means right standing with God.  It has been described as, “Just as if I had never sinned.”  It is the freedom to be who God created us to be because our righteousness is totally dependent on “His” goodness in us.

Isaiah 64:6 describes our righteousness apart from God as filthy rags.  Righteousness is not being defensive or justifying wrong actions, but rather, correcting our behavior by allowing God’s grace and redemption to change our lives.

Galatians 2:20

The Apostle Paul said, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me and the life I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

The Bible says in Proverbs 24:16, “For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again.”  Does it surprise you that a man who falls would still be called righteous?  If you think your righteousness is dependant on your own goodness, you are no different than the religious, self-righteous Pharisees who exalted themselves above God.  Jesus called them hypocrites.  The difference between the righteous and the unrighteous is that the righteous gets back up, while the unrighteous continues a lifestyle of sinful practices.

  • Answer the following question: Suppose you were to die tonight and God would say to you, “Why should I let you into my heaven?” If your answer relies on your own good works, you have missed it.
  • Study the book of Romans.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any secret sins. It is easy to spot the sins of commission or omission, but sins of the heart are sometimes hidden.
  • Face your failures with true repentance. Ask for forgiveness and make a decision to turn from your sin.

“He who sows righteousness shall have a sure reward.” Proverbs 11:18

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