Lemonade is the Alternative of Life

Lemonade is the Alternative of Life

My dad bought a “lemon” one time. It was a used car.  Before he even got it home it made a weird sound, started smoking, and left him stranded on the road.  My parents laughed about their “as is” bargain.  Dad said, “I think I just bought some experience.”  Someone said, “If life gives you a lemon, start making lemonade.”  An alternative is the option to see things from a different perspective.

When you combine lemons with sugar and water, the bitterness disappears.  Sometimes life dishes out deceptive illusions that leave a bitter taste.  The bitterness of deceit disintegrates in the presence of this truth:  God can bring good out of every situation.  God’s love in us causes us to become “better” instead of “bitter.”  Don’t settle for lemons when you can have lemonade.

Romans 8:28

“All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose”.

Practical Application and Assignments:

God’s love is the main ingredient in the recipe for “lemonade.”   Love produces strength, security, patience, kindness, character, confidence, humility, and disciplined conduct in spite of the circumstances.

  • Maintain a positive attitude and you will make your circumstance work “for” you.  When the Apostle Paul was imprisoned for the sake of the Gospel, he referred to his chains as “my bonds in Christ.” Instead of seeing himself facing a civil trial, he said, “I am set for the defense of the Gospel.” Philippians 1:13,17
  • Rejoice anyway!  One prison experience turned into a “Jail House Rock.”   Although Paul had been beaten and bound with chains, he sang all night.  An earthquake rocked the foundation.  The prison doors opened!  His chains fell off.  Consequently, he won the jailer and his whole family to Christ.  Acts, chapter 16
  • Don’t give up on any situation.  God can “turn it around!”  Instead of asking “why,” ask “what’s next?”

“Rejoice evermore!” I Thessalonians 5:16

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