Laughter is the Medicine of Life

Laughter is the Medicine of Life

It is a proven fact that there is healing in laughter.  While stress elevates blood pressure, laughter causes it to decrease.  Life is too short to waste it crying incessantly over the things that won’t matter one hundred years from now.  Continual sorrow is destructive to your health and well-being.

Even the sound of laughter brings a smile.  In times of sorrow stay away from negative people who grieve your spirit.  You need the positive re-enforcement of optimistic people who change the atmosphere with their cheerful disposition and laughter.  Every minute you spend being sad, you lose sixty seconds of happiness.  Don’t forget to laugh.

Proverbs 17:22

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Everyone has their own unique sound of laughter.  I did something outrageous on one of my ‘Key’s For Successful Living’ radio devotionals.  I announced this subject: “Laughter is the Medicine of Life” and laughed for the entire broadcast.  Our phone lines were suddenly jammed with laughter from the response of the listening audience.  Laughter is contagious.

  • Try it!  Take the “medicine.”  The only side effect is a chain reaction of laughter in everyone around you.
  • Learn to laugh at yourself.  Have you noticed everything is funny when it is happening to someone else?   The person who can laugh at himself will never have to look at someone else for amusement.
  • Check the difference in your blood pressure when you are angry or upset and when you are happy and relaxed.  When the pressures of life become overbearing, take a break.  Watch a funny movie or an old homemade family video.  Read the newspaper comic strip.  Spend time with friends whose sense of humor brings fun and laughter.  Laughter is an instant vacation from the cares of life.

“God will fill your mouth with laughter.” Job 8:21

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for proving that all these years you can make me laugh when the tears are falling thanks Bro..

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