Issues are the History of Life

Issues are the History of Life

You are writing your own history by the way you deal with your issues. Typically, this society is constantly re-locating.  Instead of seeking answers, they run…they change jobs, marriage partners, friends, churches and locations only to discover that wherever they go, that’s where they are.  We can’t get away from ourselves.  Our problems follow us and the same issues emerge in another form.

History repeats itself.  You may change faces, spaces, and places, but if you have unfinished business, your situation will turn into the “same song, second verse, could get better but only gets worse” syndrome.  You will keep going around the same mountain until you change your direction by resolving the conflict.

Proverbs 4:23

“Guard thy heart… for out of it flows the issues of life.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Wouldn’t it be great if someone invented an x-ray machine that could produce an instant picture of our issues…or would it?  That would certainly be an invasion of our privacy perimeter.  Most of us don’t want to look introspectively.  We prefer to blame someone else for our shortcomings.  If we are to deal with our imperfections we need an honest evaluation of ourselves.

  • Look at your behavior. Your actions and reactions will expose a picture of your character flaws. Know yourself. What are your issues?… Jealousy? Bad temper? Unforgiveness? You can change the qualities you don’t like, but first you must take ownership and stop the blame games and pity parties.
  • Write a happy ending. The Bible is “His story” of creation, the fall of man, and God’s plan of redemption. We are all characters in God’s story. We will determine our final chapter by the manner in which we confront our past and conduct our present, but “The End” will actually be the beginning.

“For God will bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it is good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14

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