God’s ways do not always make sense to the carnal mind because they contradict the world’s system of thinking. Let me illustrate by reminding you of some biblical principles Christ taught:
You have to plant to reap; that is the seedtime harvest principle
You have to serve to lead; that is the Golden Rule.
You have to lose to win; that is God’s game strategy.
You have to give to get; that is God’s investment portfolio.
You have to die to live; that is God’s life insurance policy.
You have to wait to advance; that is God’s proficiency exam.
You have to be last to be first; that is God’s promotion plan.
You have to believe in what you cannot see, in order to see what others cannot believe; that is God’s faith test.
The application of these principles produces successful living.
Isaiah 55:9
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Practical Application and Assignments:
Even God’s plan to redeem a fallen humanity seems like a contradiction. God became a man, so that man could become like God. A King became a servant, so that servants could become kings. A Prince became a pauper, so that paupers could become princes. The Sinless became sin, so that the sinful could be free of sin.
- Think God’s thoughts and you will begin thinking like a winner. If you really want to know what God is thinking, read “His Book.” God’s thoughts recorded in the Bible are seeds waiting to bear fruit. God’s thoughts dwelled upon are the foundation for what you believe and what you will become.
- Thought patterns that are contrary to God’s Word are low energy trash thinking. Ask God to help you replace erroneous thought patterns with His high octane possibility thinking.
“Commit your works unto the Lord and your thoughts will be established.” Proverbs 16:3 (NKJV)