The Mercy Seat is the Throne of Life

The Mercy Seat is the Throne of Life

In biblical times when the people had a civil or domestic dispute that needed to be resolved, they would take the matter to the elders who sat at the gate of the city.  Today we don’t have the gate to the city, but we can still approach the Judges bench.  Even God, Himself rules from heaven, enthroned on the ultimate seat of authority.  Isaiah 9:6 states, “…And the government shall be upon His shoulders.”  God created government.  Both righteous and evil governments are accountable to His sovereign dominion.  There is no throne higher than the Most High.  God doesn’t even have to get up to subdue His enemies.  “They become His footstool.” Psalm 110:1 

On the top of the Ark of the Covenant, between the cherubim is the mercy seat where the High Priest poured the blood of the sacrificial lamb as atonement for sin.  Our lamb is Jesus.  This is the only seat in the universe where you can receive both pardon for your offenses and forgiveness for your sin.

Luke 18:13

“ … God be merciful to me a sinner…”

Practical Application and Assignments:

God does not “cover up” unconfessed sin.  However, sin that is acknowledged with repentance and renounced must be shown mercy and “covered.”  In the Old Testament those who attempted to lift the mercy seat were slain immediately.  When we investigate someone’s sin for the purpose of exposing it, we place ourselves under God’s judgment.

  • Look up the following Scriptures: 
    • Let God be the judge.  I Samuel 16:7
    • Show mercy.  Luke 6:36
    • Cover those in need of mercy with prayer.  Proverbs 17:9
    • Love unconditionally.  I Corinthians 13:7
    • Run to the mercy seat for forgiveness!  Jeremiah 31:33-34
  • Read Psalm 136. The word mercy is mentioned in all twenty six verses. 

“Give thanks…for His mercy endures forever.” Psalm 136:26

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