Stubbornness is the Obstinacy of Life

Stubbornness is the Obstinacy of Life

I believe that almost every negative attribute can be re-directed into something positive.  For example, a dogged-determination could be confused with obstinate stubbornness.  When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he failed hundreds of times before he succeeded.  No doubt, many thought he was just being stubborn. So what is the difference?  I believe stubbornness identifies itself by wanting its own way without any regard for the feeling of pain it causes to self and others.

Recently, I shopped in a store that had huge signs posted everywhere, “Eighty-five percent off.” When I took the merchandise to the check-out counter, the clerk said, “This was yesterday’s sale.”  Because the signs were not dated, the manager instructed the sales clerk to give the discount price.  She stubbornly refused and ended up being dismissed instantly.  Isn’t it amazing that the price of stubbornness can cost us everything, and for absolutely no reason other than our pride!

I Samuel 15:23

“…Stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Have you heard someone described as being stubborn as a mule? Stubbornness and determination are in two entirely different categories.  The difference has to do with the motive and energy behind the attitude and action.

  • Discern the difference. Stubbornness that is connected to rebellion is destructive. Will power that is connected to stamina is constructive.
  • Don’t squash the tenacious strong will God has placed inside of you. It is what keeps you from giving up in tough times. It is what causes you to finish the race…
  • Don’t use obstinate family traits as an excuse to act like a donkey. An old Arab proverb states, “If one person calls you a donkey, forget it, but if five people call you a donkey, buy a saddle.” Break this cycle by refusing to pass stubbornness on to the next generation.

“…Be no longer stubborn and hardened.” Deuteronomy 10:16 (AMP)

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