According to medical doctors, seventy to ninety-three percent of all disease is stress-related. Emotional responses to stress are self-pity, anger, hostility, fear, anxiety, and worry. Obsessive, negative thought patterns elevate the stress level. This can have detrimental effects of high blood pressure, chest pain, stomach ulcers, migraine headaches, strokes, or low blood sugar, producing exhaustion and weakening the immune system.
Agitation can lead to distress and irrational emotional disturbance. Distress says, “There is no way out!” David said in Psalm 18:6…“In my distress, I called upon the Lord”…and then described his deliverance. Deliverance comes when you place your trust in God.
John 14:1
Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled”…
Practical Application and Assignments:
The way you perceive and react to stress is more significant than the amount of stress you encounter. The accumulation of minor trivial matters can result in the same stress overload as a major crisis.
- Attend a stress management class. Research the subject. Discover ways to avoid, reduce, and relieve stress. For example, regular exercise whether it is walking, jogging, sports, deep breathing techniques, or physical aerobics can greatly reduce stress. Spend quiet time in prayer and meditation. Avoid stress by planning ahead, instead of waiting until the last minute. The greatest antidote to anxiety-based stress is faith in God. The combination of a healthy diet, proper rest, exercise, relaxation, fun, and faith all work together to produce stress management.
- Identify the cause of any stress overload. God doesn’t order every circumstance, but He can change the outcome. Relax! Refuse to be distressed. Break the stress cycle in your life by changing your response. Recognize your limits and stop worrying!!
“Be at rest once more, O my soul for the Lord has been good to you.” Psalm 116:7 (NIV)