Self-Pity is the Pit of Life

Self-Pity is the Pit of Life

“What else can go wrong?  My life is the pits!”  If you have ever been there, this key is for you.  Life is like the rides at an amusement park.  It consists of up and down experiences.  Self-pity is a downward motion that will take you to the pit and leave you there. As long as you indulge in self-pity, you will never get to enjoy the thrill of the rollercoaster. It will keep you on a merry-go-round going nowhere.

Self-pity is an attitude resulting from wounded pride… It is a toxic, destructive, invasive force that will drag you into the depths of despair. If you are in a pit, don’t panic!  You may discover it is just a bowl of cherries.  In the center of every cherry is a pit. The seed in the pit is the promise of the future.  There is something sweet in every experience in life, if you look for it.  When you drop the self-pity, you will find your way out of the pit.

 Jonah 2:6 (AMP)

“You have brought up my life from the pit… Oh Lord, my God.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Joseph’s “pit stop” was the fastest way “to the top.” He went from the pit to the prison to becoming the Prime Minister.  The pit was the place that began his journey to destiny.  Promotion that rests on God’s promises is conditionally predestined and pre-arranged.

  • Don’t despise the pit. The choices Joseph made in the pit produced the character and integrity that propelled him into his purpose. When God wants you in the palace, no one can keep you in the pit.
  • Look beyond the pit. Joseph was able to see past the pit, because God gave him dreams and visual pictures of his future. Vision is like a Ferris wheel lifting you above your circumstances. Self-pity disappears when you see what God sees.
  • Keep your cool! Sometimes life will bump you around like a bumper car, but stay on the track. Refuse to be the guest of honor at the pity party. The next ride may be the roller coaster.

“He brought me out of a horrible pit… and set my feet upon a Rock, and established my goings.” Psalm 40:2

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