You may be thinking, didn’t we already cover this subject? What is the difference between self-esteem and self-image? The struggle for personal significance is so prevalent that it seemed necessary to approach it again. Low self-esteem is destructive. Our self-esteem is attacked constantly by derogatory remarks. Some are current, others come from past memories. Did you know that if you hear one critical comment and nine compliments you will usually remember the criticism?
Your personal significance cannot be attached to the opinion of others. The majority of the time, if you believe in yourself, others will believe in you also. The manner in which you view yourself will determine your success or failure. What you say, and that which is spoken over you, will either bring blessing or cursing. Speak blessing.
Proverbs 18:21
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”
Practical Application and Assignments:
The wounds received from relational abuse whether verbal, physical, or emotional are often so suppressed that we don’t even recognize them. We use so many defense mechanisms to block the pain that we become unaware of the role they are playing in our behavioral patterns.
- Answer the following question: Does the recurring anniversary of past traumatic rejection cause you to react with withdrawal, fear, or other negative emotions? If so, it will continue to diminish your self-esteem.
- Learn to recognize when you are struggling for significance. For example, if you are performance driven or suffering from a fear of failure, you are giving too much power to the approval and acceptance from others.
- Build self-esteem based on the fact that you are loved and accepted unconditionally by God. His opinion is the only opinion you need.
“Humble yourselves… in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you. (He will make your lives significant).” James 4:10 (AMP)