Within the soul of every person is a vacuum and insatiable yearning that only God can fill. Unfulfilled expectations, loneliness, lack of personal identity, rejection, loss of spiritual values, the futility of materialistic gain all propel people to seek fulfillment in life from a Higher Power. Anything short of the Creator of the universe and His Divine plan for the ages, although well meaning, will result in deceptive claims that offer empty promises.
Our society is filled with philosophies, religions, and cults that appeal to the search for truth, but offer a counterfeit instead. Christianity offers the answers in life. Does your belief system offer real answers, or are you still searching?
John 14:6
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life… I am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
Practical Application and Assignments:
The Pharisees of the New Testament were self-righteous, religious people depending on their good works for salvation. Sadly, their attempt to obey all laws could not give them purity of heart.
- Compare some differences between religion and Christianity:
- Religion focuses on externals, while Christianity focuses on internals.
- Religion emphasizes works, while Christianity emphasizes undeserved, unmerited favor.
- Religion is bound to a legalistic system of rules with do’s and dont’s, while Christianity provides freedom to do what is right.
- Religion offers guilt and condemnation, while Christianity offers pardon and forgiveness.
- Religion offers a ritual, while Christianity offers a relationship.
- Religion pacifies. Christianity satisfies!
- The choice is yours…Choose freedom. Choose truth. Choose life.
Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32