Rebellion is the Insubordination of Life

Rebellion is the Insubordination of Life

Rebellion is open resistance to constituted authority.  One of the first words children hear is, “No!”  Perhaps the first lesson is that rebellion has consequences.  The consequences always place us at a disadvantage. So, why is it so hard to learn the lesson?

My early childhood memories include “the rules of the house.”  The restrictions were established for my welfare.  Rules were always reinforced with rewards, correction, and disciplinary action.  The consequences and benefits taught me the value of submission.  I learned to convert my rebellion into positive action.  Instead of rebelling against the rules, I rebelled against the consequences.   I learned that obeying brings protection.  Insubordination and breaking the rules brings pain.

I Samuel 15:23

“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Witchcraft is an evil attempt to control people.  A defiant nature that is controlled by sorcery will produce anarchy.   Defiant insubordination is disobedience.

  • Get rid of your junk mail. Rebellion against authority is an attitude that is usually wrapped in a “my way is the only way” package.  It is delivered through disobedience. Disobedience always brings consequences.
  • Break the spell. Godly control frees us from ungodly bondage. Refuse to be dominated and controlled by evil influences.  Re-directing rebellion toward a righteous cause restores order and supervised guidance.
  • Determine who or what is controlling you. The opposite of rebellion is submission. Submission is not lying down and becoming a doormat. It is not being controlled like a marionette on a string.  It is “choosing” to submit yourself through obedience to the higher purposes of God.

“The Lord has opened my ear, and I have not been rebellious or turned backwards.” Isaiah 50:5

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