Narrow-mindedness is the Bigotry of Life

Narrow-mindedness is the Bigotry of Life

What does it mean to be narrow-minded?  Well, it seems today that anyone who disagrees with the philosophies, the politically correct ideologies, and the culturally accepted mores’ of the day could be considered narrow-minded.  Jesus challenged the religious traditions of the ecclesiastical hierarchy of His day, while remaining consistent with His belief system and values.  He was also able to reach out to the un-churched and the outcast with the perfect balance of compassion and character, which made it abundantly clear that He hated the sin, but loved the sinner.

Narrow-mindedness is a bigotry that rejects the specific individual or a particular group or race, whenever they disagree with its views.  It seems to be a part of our generational DNA to compare, contrast, accept, or alienate before we really understand and hear one another.  It is positive to be firm and resolved in your beliefs, but it is another thing to allow fear to incarcerate you in a prison of bigotry.

Philippians 2:5

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

An arrogant, condescending, “I’m right, you’re wrong” attitude is the birthplace of bigotry. It is not narrow-minded to disagree, but it is narrow-minded to refuse to listen to each other.

  • Keep an open mind. It is possible that your opinion may need some adjustments. In Acts, chapter 10, one could say that Peter was so narrow-minded regarding God’s desire to save the Gentiles that God had to show him a vision three times to get his attention.
  • Be civil toward the rights of others. Stay in touch with your attitude toward those who disagree with your point of view. Being courteous does not suggest or demand approval. You can accept the person and yet, reject ideas or practices that are contradictory.

“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4 (NKJV)

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