Miracles are the Supernatural Intervention of Life

Miracles are the Supernatural Intervention of Life

A miracle is an event that contradicts known scientific laws, thus determined to be caused Supernaturally.  A miracle always defies the impossible.  Do you believe when Jesus walked into a village he caused the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the crippled to run and leap, and even went into cemeteries and resurrected the dead?  Do you believe “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever?” Hebrews 18:8

I believe in miracles for three reasons: God’s Word confirms them,
I have witnessed them, and they have happened to me.  Do you need a miracle?  A need is a miracle in disguise.  If you have a need, you are a candidate for a miracle.  If you are expecting a miracle, I have good news for you…

Mark 9:23

Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

The miracles in the Bible are not fairy tales about fictitious people.   A man named Moses actually stretched his rod over the Red Sea and God caused the water to part allowing the children of Israel to walk across safely.  Then the water returned drowning the enemies who were pursuing them in the same spot.  While some people consider it outrageous, others believe but think miracles no longer happen.  If you have been programmed not to believe, it is time to cancel the doubt.

  • Don’t miss your miracle because of unbelief. Just prior to her tenth birthday, our daughter was given a confirmed medical diagnosis of a life-threatening condition with three weeks to live.  She said, “Take me to see the prom dresses.  It will be awhile, but I will wear one.  I have purpose and destiny.  God is not finished with me yet.”  You could never convince Allison that miracles cannot happen because within one week God miraculously healed her.
  • Get ready for a miracle! Expect the Supernatural intervention of God in that impossible situation.  Miracles happen when you believe!

Jesus said, “Be not afraid; only believe.”  Mark 5:36

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