Meditation can make you or break you. What I mean is that it is not just important that you meditate, but it is equally important what you meditate upon. Psalm 1:1-3 describes the value of meditation. These verses announce that the man that delights in the law of the Lord and meditates in it both day and night is blessed; that man will be like a tree strong and stable; that man will dwell by the rivers of water that has constant flowing revelation, ideas, witty inventions, and insights; that man will contemplate the value of a harvest and produce fruit whose leaf will not wither and whatever he does shall prosper.
A tree’s leaves wither because of sickness, storms, or seasonal changes due to distance from light caused by the planet’s rotation around the sun. In comparison, meditation keeps you close to the light of God’s counsel providing both shelter and shade. As you meditate on the positive insights found in God’s word, you begin to visualize what God intended for you. Contemplate the possibilities!
Psalm 1:3
That man…”will prosper in whatever he does.”
Practical Application and Assignments:
Meditation on God’s word sheds light and illumination. It is like opening the shades in a dark room, allowing the sunlight to invade and drive out the darkness.
- Stay close to the “Son.” Christ is the light of the world. Just as a tree needs sunlight, we need “Son-light.” Psalm 119:99 (AMP) declares, “I have better understanding and deeper insight than all my teachers because Your testimonies are my meditation.”
- Make room for God in your thoughts. Create an atmosphere for meditation. Place a “do not disturb” sign on the door. Soft music inspires creativity. Let your imagination soar. It is in meditation that our thoughts are formed into a plan of action. Make sure you keep a journal or your computer within reach.
“O, how love I Your law! It is my meditation all the day!” Psalm 119:97