Forgiveness is the Eraser of Life

Forgiveness is the Eraser of Life

The moment you ask God for forgiveness, it is as if yesterday didn’t happen.  Your sin is erased, excused, and released.  Of course, sin always has consequences in the natural, but the eternal penalty has been pardoned.  It is “removed as far as the east is from the west.” Psalm 103:12  God promised in Isaiah 43:25, “I am He who blots out and cancels your transgressions…and I will not remember your sins.”

It sounds like it is too good to be true. What’s the catch?  Forgiveness is conditional.  You have to forgive others in order to be forgiven. When you can truly say, “I forgive you” unforgiveness leaves like a helium filled balloon floating away until it is finally out of sight.  It is a relief both to the person guilty of the offense and the person who is offended.  Turn it loose and let it go.

Acts 3:19

“Repent… and be converted that your sins may be blotted out.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

It is irritating to use a pencil without an eraser.  An eraser makes it possible to start over as if the mistake never existed.  White-out makes mistakes made with ink disappear.  Mistakes on the computer are instantly erased with a touch of the delete or backspace keys.  But, even if it were possible to purchase an eraser that could erase the mistakes of life, the price would exceed even what the rich and famous could afford.

  • Discover God’s plan. God knew we would mess up. When we come to Him in repentance, He provides an eraser called forgiveness.  The price has already been paid.  The purchase has already been made.  Are you ready to forgive and be forgiven?
  • Forgiveness is a process that begins with a decision. Take a helium-filled balloon outside. Let the balloon represent those who have deeply hurt you.  Pray the prayer Jesus prayed on the cross, “Father, forgive them.” Even if it is a faith statement, declare these words, “I forgive you.”  Ask God to forgive you for your unforgiveness.  As you release the balloon, let go of the offense.

“Forgive one another, even as God… has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32

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