Conscience is the Monitor of Life

Conscience is the Monitor of Life

Conscience in an inner monitor that warns, admonishes, or gives advice and instruction by way of reproof or caution. I’m sure you’ve heard the advice, “Let your conscience be your guide.” Vines Expository Dictionary defines conscience as, “The inner faculty by which we apprehend the will of God or that which is designated to govern our lives.”

I like to think of conscience as a gage on the inside that lets us know the difference between right and wrong.  Romans 2:2-15 explains that it is not only a Christian instinct or consciousness.  Everyone is born with a conscience and awareness of God and His laws.  Your conscience is a gift from God to keep you on track.  I Timothy 4:2 warns that it is possible to disregard our conscience so long that it becomes seared and of no effect.

Titus 1:15

“Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure, but even their mind and conscience is defiled.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

I heard about an elderly woman who had been consistently wise and stable her entire life.  Someone asked, “How did you become so spiritually mature?”  She answered, “Oh that’s easy.  I just mind the checks.”

  • Mind the “checks.” The Holy Spirit whispers into the conscience of our inner being so quietly that if we are not listening we may not hear His voice. It is a gentle nudge, “don’t go there… don’t say that,” followed by a feeling of remorse if it is ignored.  Do you mind the checks?
  • Follow the “guide” and you will maintain a clear conscience. Your God-given conscience will never mislead you. Oswald Chambers said, “There is no debate possible when conscience speaks.”

The Apostle Paul said, “I try with all my strength to always maintain a clear conscience before God and man.” Acts 24:16

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