Conflict is the Struggle of Life

Conflict is the Struggle of Life

Conflict cannot be avoided because we all have uniquely different opinions. If you ever hear of a couple who claim they have never had an argument, either they are living on opposite sides of the country, or one is doing all the talking and the other is doing all the listening.  Conflicts emerge in every relationship because of a clash of ideas between two or more individuals, or opposing attitudes within groups or organizations. Sometimes the greatest battles are the struggles within ourselves.

The problem with unresolved conflict is that when people don’t fight fair, relationships fail.  Successful resolution requires action toward peace and is achieved through humility, integrity, and vulnerability.  Get off the defense and get on the offense.  Become pro-active instead of   reactive.

Romans 14:19 (MSG)

“…Help others with encouraging words; don’t drag them down by finding fault.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Typically, conflict is characterized by two types of actions:  those    who confront by attack methods, and those who avoid confrontation.    The basic need of the attacker is to maintain control and gain sympathy, while the avoider needs approval, courage, and peace at all cost.  In order to fight fair we need insight into each personality profile.  Most of us have probably found ourselves in both categories at times.

The following rules will help you resolve conflict:

  • Let the other person speak without interrupting.
  • Avoid accusations and don’t get drawn into arguments.
  • Ask questions that will encourage answers on a feeling level.
  • Be forgiving, loving, and understanding.
  • Remember, the tone of your voice is as powerful as your words.
  • Balance anything of a critical nature with praise.
  • Respond to what is important and choose your words carefully.
  • Make it okay to disagree.

“Love never fails…” I Corinthians 13:8

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