Complaining is the Ungratefulness of Life

Complaining is the Ungratefulness of Life

The act of complaining reflects an inner attitude of ungratefulness that refuses to acknowledge anything positive in the face of the slightest adversity or aggravation.  Complaining misses the juiciness and the sweetness of the cherry, and focuses on the pit.  Complaining is like overlooking the color and fragrance of the rose and only seeing its thorns.  Complainers look at the majesty and wonder of the Grand Canyon and only see a hole in the ground.  Complainers can be invited to the most lavish, exquisite, and sumptuous banquet table, only to be disappointed if they are not served first.

How sad that chronic complainers view the complexity and totality of life through a tunnel-vision mentality the size of a key hole.  Their complete world view is reduced to whatever may be upsetting them at any given moment.  They are robbed of even the smallest joys in life.

Numbers 11:1

“And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord….”

Practical Application and Assignments:

People don’t complain because they have problems.  They have problems because they complain.  Complaining is a habit.  You cannot complain and be grateful at the same time.  Ungratefulness and complaining are marks of immaturity.

  • Read Exodus, chapters 1-17. It is the dramatic story of the incredible rescue of the children of Israel from slavery. The hero is a man, named Moses, who courageously went before Pharaoh, the Egyptian taskmaster and demanded their release.  Finally, they were miraculously delivered and yet they complained.  No wonder they were called the “children” of Israel. They refused to grow up!
  • My dad says, “Don’t complain about what you permit.” Complaining for the purpose of gaining sympathy or support only creates more inner conflict. The Hebrew children left Egypt in a day, but it took forty years to get Egypt out of them.  They took their ungrateful attitudes with them.  Complaining is reactive.  Be pro-active.

“Do all things without grumbling and complaining.” Philippians 2:14

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