Compatibility is the Conformity of Life

Compatibility is the Conformity of Life

Compatibility is the ability to get along with each other.  All of us know people who are challengers.  If you say something is black, they will say it is white.  Antagonistic people can’t even get along with themselves.  They are not capable of living in a peaceful existence because of their inability to co-exist with anyone who disagrees with them.

Irreconcilable differences cause rifts in interpersonal relationships.  An argumentative mentality creates conflict and chaos. Learning to harmonize is an important key to success.  Conformity in this sense is the ability to bring into agreement that which is contentious.  Compatibility does not mean you have to give up your opinion.  It is simply accepting each others differences in order to live in harmony.

 Romans 12:16 (AMP)

“Live in harmony with one another…”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Loving people the way they are is easier to talk about than put into action.  Compatibility is the ability to enjoy the uniqueness in each individual.  It can even tolerate and bring out the best in those who are difficult to love.

  • Did you ever notice how easy some of this advice sounds on paper?  I can almost hear someone’s immediate response, “Yeah, right! But you don’t live in my world.” Before you sink into despair, consider the next assignments:
  • Don’t try to change others to meet your criterion. It isn’t your job. It will only create and intensify your frustration.
  • Don’t treat people with a condescending attitude. Anything that is shamed-based creates dissension. Confront them. Challenge them. Love them, but don’t demean them.
  • Create a climate of peace. Compatibility can dismantle conflict. When resolution is not possible, create some space. Either physically or mentally, temporarily remove yourself from the “war zone.”

“If possible… live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 (AMP)

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