Companionship is the Relationship of Life                       

Companionship is the Relationship of Life                       

Whether the association is that of a business partner, a mutual friend, or fellowship on a social basis, companionship initiates relationship. Relationship births friendship.  Friendship is the model for all intimate encounters.  It is the basic ingredient for a good marriage.  It is the springboard that is necessary for building any strong relationship.

     Jesus chose to spend a great deal of time with individual, significant people.  Much of His teaching was concerned with relationships. The people you assign top priority will become your closest companions.  Do not measure wealth by the things you possess, but rather, by the things for which you will not take money.  If you have a true friend, you have something money cannot buy.   

Proverbs 17:17

     “A friend loveth at all times.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

     We all need someone with whom we can laugh and cry and share   our heart.  Whether married or single, old or young, everyone needs companionship.  

  • Move out of your safe space.  The same walls you build to protect yourself from being hurt will also prevent you from building a relationship with someone who cares.   
  • Look for opportunities to cultivate new friendships and connect with people.  For example, enroll in special interest programs or adult continuing education classes…Join a choir, tour group, sports league, or civic organization…
  • Value relationships and you will never want for companionship. Make an effort to stay in touch with friends and family by phone, internet, mail, reunions, and social events.  Develop an intimate relationship with God.  He is the greatest companion because His love never fails.  He is always there. 

God promised, “…I will not in any way fail you, nor give you up, nor leave you without support. …I will not leave you helpless, nor forsake, nor let (you) down…  (Assuredly not)!”  Hebrews 13:5 (AMP)

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