Balance is the Equilibrium of Life

Balance is the Equilibrium of Life

Have you ever known people who live life on the edge?  They just can’t seem to maintain their equilibrium.  Balanced living and stability go hand in hand.  Balance is having the same amount of weight on each end of the scale or teeter-totter to prevent it from tipping to the extreme.

Unfortunately, life even at its best has its extremes, plus and minus, pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages.  Has circumstances in life caused you to lose your equilibrium?  When your own weight cannot balance the scale, run to God for relief and He will add what you need to bring balance until the situation has regained equilibrium.

Proverbs 16:11 (AMP)

“A just balance and scale are the Lord’s; all the weights of the bag are His work (established on His eternal principles).”

Practical Application and Assignments:

When all of the clothes accumulate on one side of the washing machine it begins to shake, make a terrible noise and eventually shuts down.  Even one tire out of balance on an automobile will affect the efficiency and operation of the entire vehicle.  Imbalance produces instability.

  • Think about it: Recognize the importance of balance in every area of your life.  For example, hard work is only an asset when it is balanced with relaxation.  Weariness will diminish your productivity.  However, all fun and games become the same liability when they are not balanced with tasks of accomplishment.
  • List the things that are out of balance.  Begin today to make any changes necessary to correct the imbalance.  Balance work and play, spending and saving, desserts and health foods…and whatever is on your list.  Did you notice how easy that sounds on paper?  Change begins with self-discipline.  Self-control is the hard part, but once you become a disciplined person, balance will become inevitable.

“The Lord abhors dishonest scales but accurate weights are His delight.” Proverbs 11:1 (NIV)

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