Security is the Environment of Life

Security is the Environment of Life

Some plants will only grow in certain environments.  For example, tropical plants only grow in tropical climates.  New Christians cannot expect to go back into carnal worldly environments and feel secure in their faith until they have matured spiritually.  Marriage cannot continue to thrive and survive without an environment of security.  Those persons whose vocations are constantly threatened for no reason cannot expect to perform effectively and efficiently.

Today’s world offers very little security.  There is an international, global feeling of unrest.  Newscasts are filled with reports of terror and crisis.  In an age with a climate of insecurity, the Bible reports that believers are safe and secure in the palm of God’s hand.  “Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands.” Isaiah 49:16

Psalm 91:1

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

The nightmare of that Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001 is engraved in the memory of every American who watched the Twin Towers in N.Y.C. disintegrate before our eyes.  Coincidentally, my sister was just blocks away from ground zero and I was in Washington, D.C. for a meeting in the Capital. Terrorists had already attacked the Pentagon and the media was reporting another plane in route for a second attack.  Realizing it was a Divine appointment, I began walking around the Capital, praying.  My mother was terrified.  I reminded her, “The safest place in the world is being in the center of God’s will.”

  • Trust God.  One of the first things a child becomes attached to is a “security blanket.”  Trust in God is our security blanket.
  • Learn to obey and hear God’s voice and you will discover His    perfect will.  He has a Divine appointment for you today.  Be safe. Don’t miss it!

“And thou shall be secure, because there is hope;… and thou shall take thy rest in safety.” Job 11:18

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