Hunger is the Drive of Life

Hunger is the Drive of Life

If you watch professional sports during the competition play-offs you can see the determination and hunger to win in the eyes of the athletes.  Those who participate in the Olympics are driven to compete.  Their hunger for success drives them to hard work, practice, and a sacrificial dedication to achieve excellence.

Jesus said, “Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6   Unfortunately, those who hunger and thirst after unrighteousness will also be filled, but not blessed.  All of us are driven and motivated by something.  What you develop an appetite or craving for is the hunger that will drive you.  What are you hungry for today?

Psalm 119:40 (MSG)

“See how hungry I am for Your counsel; preserve my life though Your righteous ways.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Thousands of people in many parts of the world are dying because of starvation and malnutrition, but the horror of this kind of hunger doesn’t compare with the unfulfilled, unquenched spiritual hunger that results in spiritual death.  Many people are looking in the wrong places for what the Scripture says is not bread.  You cannot expect carnal, temporal things to satisfy hunger for that which is spiritual or eternal.

  • Answer the following questions: What are you hungry for?…Power?  Praise? Possessions? Pleasure?  What do you spend the most time and energy seeking?  Are you spiritually malnutritioned?  Your answer will reflect your appetites.   
  • Plan a spiritual menu or diet.  An old Cherokee Chief told his grandson about a fight between two wolves.  He said, “One is evil, the other is good, and the same fight is going on in you.” His grandson asked, “Which one will win the fight?” The old chief replied, “The one you feed the most.”

“Oh satisfy us early with Thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14

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