Enthusiasm is the Zeal of Life

Enthusiasm is the Zeal of Life

Enthusiasm is an invigorating, animating energy that makes you feel inspired and alive.  It produces excitement and vitality.  It will cause you to tackle almost anything with an “I know I can do this” attitude.  The person with a gloomy disposition will exist barely getting by, while the person with enthusiasm is living life to its fullest.  Enthusiasm or the lack of it will have a definite affect on your quality of life spiritually, mentally, and physically.

The word enthusiasm is a derivative of the Greek word entheos, meaning, “In God or possessed by God.”  Zeal is an intense, eager, fervent pursuit of something.  Enthusiasm that comes from God will Supernaturally inspire you with a zeal and passion for greatness.

Psalm 69:9 (TLB)

“My zeal for God and His work burns hot within me.”

Practical Application and Assignments:

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”  Passion is an intense, compelling action which carries a sense of urgency.  One who is full of zeal and enthusiasm is focused and full of passion.  Jesus went to the cross because of His passion.  He said to His followers, “Take up your cross and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24.  It takes zeal to go to the cross.

  • Think about it and answer the following questions: What are you     passionate about?  What cross have you been called to bear?  Are you a crusader with a passion for righteousness?
  • Pursue your God-given passions with wisdom, zeal, and enthusiasm.  “It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good.”          Galatians 4:18 (NIV). 
  • Don’t run ahead of God.  Zeal without wisdom can be a disaster.  “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor be hasty and miss the way.”  Proverbs 19:2 (NIV).  When God accelerates your progress, your accomplishments will be achieved on His perfect time schedule.

“My zeal has consumed me…” Psalm 119:139

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