America is described as, “The Home of the Free.” How can a man fight for liberty and then submit himself to a different kind of prison? How can people throw away their freedom by allowing themselves to be incarcerated by addictions that dictate, dominate, and control their lives?
Freedom is the privilege and power to do what is right. It is the absence of bondage, coercion, restraint, and confinement. A privilege is defined as a right granted as an advantage or favor. Don’t live beneath your privileges. Don’t settle for anything less than freedom. Let God break the chains of any compulsive, addicting habits in your life
Galatians 5:1
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty where with Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
Practical Application and Assignments:
It is God’s intention and desire for you to be free. It is not His will for you to be controlled by any addicting force, whether it is drugs, alcohol, tobacco, perverted sex, gambling, unhealthy food, work, illicit relationships, and the list goes on…
- Sincerely ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any area of bondage in your life. Stop living in denial and looking for excuses to justify any misbehavior. Identify and acknowledge any sin of addiction.
- Recognize God as not just a Higher Power, but the Most High Power. He longs to satisfy your cravings and desires. He wants to be what excites you.
- Submit to Godly counsel. Make yourself accountable to someone who will hold you responsible for your time, thoughts, resources, and actions. Surround yourself with people who will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.
- Don’t give up! Healing and deliverance have already been provided. Victory belongs to you. With God’s help, you can be free.
The Apostle Paul said…”I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under its power.” I Corinthians 6:12 (AMP)