"I Was Born Again This Way 2"


ICEBREAKER: Name one invention that you use every day and wouldn't want to live without. (You can't say something that has already been said.)


INTRODUCTION: John 3 tells a story about a man named Nicodemas who came to see Jesus at night. I like to call the story Nic at Night! Nic came to Jesus in hot pursuit of truth. So Jesus told him that he had to be born again in order to see the Kingdom of God. There are just some revelations you cannot understand, grasp or even see if you have not been born again into the family of God. In the book of John, Jesus makes at least seven claims that have incredible revelatory ramifications. Let's take a look at them in our outline.



·        Because Jesus is the Bread of life, I can say, I am fulfilled and satisfied!

·        Because Jesus is the Light of the world, I can say, I am enlightened and illuminated!

·        Because Jesus is the Door of the sheep, I can say, I am accepted and have full access to God!

·        Because Jesus is the Good Shepherd, I can say, I am protected and safe!

·        Because Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life, I can say, I am alive and well!

·        Because Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, I can say, I am on track and have no lack!

·        Because Jesus is the True Vine, I can say, I am fruitful and flourishing!


DEFINITIONS:  Born Again: to be regenerated, to be brought into a new and more vigorous way of life, to be given a new and higher spiritual nature.



Seven "I am" statements of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John:

1.   "I am the bread of life." John 6:35, 41, 48-51.  (Provision)

2.   "I am the light of the world." John 8:12; 9:5 (Vision)

3.   "I am the door of the sheep." John 10:7, 9 (Access)

4.   "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep." John 10:11, 14 (Protection)

5.   "I am the resurrection and the life." John 11:25 (Abundant Life)

6.   "I am the way, the truth, and the life." John 14:6 (Direction)

7.   "I am the true vine." John 15:1, 5 (Fruitfulness)


TEXT:  John 3:1-21; John 8:42-47



1.  How should a person's life change when he/she gets born again?

2.  In what way do you need Jesus to be bread or provision for you?

3.  John 8:12 reminds us that Jesus is our light, as in, he is our revelation or our vision. What Christian principle or revelation at first was or is the hardest for you to grasp or apply? (Sowing & reaping, forgiveness & mercy, obedience, discipline...)

4.  John 10:11 reminds us that as our shepherd, Jesus is our protector. Describe a time in your life when you needed God to protect you in some way.

a.   Protect your reputation

b.  Protect your investments

c.   Protect your life

d.  Protect your family

e.  Protect your integrity

f.    Protect your health

g.   Protect your ideas or inventions

5.  John 15:1 reminds us that Jesus is the true vine and we must stay connected if we want to bear fruit. In what area of your life do you need to be more fruitful and what needs to change for you to be more fruitful?

6.  Read 1 John 3:1-9. How does verse 6 say we keep from sinning? How do you define sin?









ACTION POINT: This week I will apply these seven attributes of Jesus Christ to every area of my life.