"The Truth About The Resurrection!"

(How To Make A Comeback!)


ICEBREAKER:  What's your favorite movie or sports team that has a comeback story? (Rocky, Superman, Spider-Man, War Horse, Braveheart, The Karate Kid, Miami Heat, The Cleveland Browns….NOT!....)


INTRODUCTION: The story of Jesus Christ is the greatest comeback story of all times! You just can't come back from any further than eternity!

·        Pilot couldn't overthrow him

·        The Romans couldn't overtake him

·        The darkness couldn't overshadow him

·        The beating couldn't kill him

·        The nails couldn't hold him

·        The cross couldn't finish him

·        The stone couldn't keep him

·        The grave couldn't hold him

·        The spirit of death couldn't defeat him

·        The devil couldn't outsmart him

·        The demons couldn't apprehend him

·        The Sepulcher couldn't contain him

·        The cemetery couldn't restrain him

·        The enemy couldn't conquer him


Jesus taught us how to comeback from a setback!



·        I Proclaim that the resurrection changed everything!

·        I Decree that Jesus' victory has now become my victory!

·        I Declare that the finished work of Jesus' cross, his death, burial & resurrection has given me new life!

·        I Confess that the shed blood of Jesus has given me total healing, abundant prosperity, perfect peace and complete salvation.

·        I will never, never, never be the same again!


DEFINITION: Comeback: a return to a former position of glory, success, WHOLENESS and authority.



How To Make A Comeback!

1.   You cannot have a comeback without a setback

2.   You cannot get up unless you get down

3.   You cannot be lifted up if you are not willing to lay down

4.   You cannot set aside until you are willing to come aside; Watch & pray

5.   You cannot shape up until you are able to cry out

6.   You can never give up if you want to come back

7.   You cannot depend on the crowd to energize you

8.   You cannot blame others if you want to win (Father forgive them for they know not what they do)

9.   You will need a team if you want to win (Even golfers have a caddy)

10. You can win if you believe


TEXT:  John 20



1.  Name one thing that would be different if Jesus had not rose from the dead.

2.  Why do people like a good comeback story?

3.  Which of the ten comeback principles listed in the outline speaks to you? Explain.

4.  Because Jesus has sacrificed so much for us, identify one thing you could do for him.

5.  If you had been with Mary Magdalene or the disciples, how do you think you would have felt if you found the empty tomb?

6.  Considering the fact that hardly anyone seems to be trying to disprove the Karan, the Torah, the writings of Buddha, why do you think that society seems so Hell bent on disproving the Bible and the resurrection?

7.  It was not until after the resurrection and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the disciples really got it. What does it mean to truly be a Christian?






ACTION POINT: This week I am going to celebrate every little victory and the first one will be ____________________.