"Measure Up!"


ICEBREAKER:  How old were you when you remember physically growing the most and tell us how you felt? (How many inches in what period of time) Name one thing in life or in the world that we measure.



Our entire world is full of measurements! Life is truly a series of measurements! We seem to be infatuated with measuring the size, the shape, the age, the weight, the height, the depth, the shade, the color, the hue and the value of everything. Sometimes the greater the number the greater the value, as in the weight of gold and the size of the cattle.

Sometimes the lesser the number, the better the score, as in golf

Is it any wonder we are so obsessed with numbers? Its no wonder we are constantly and consistently comparing ourselves to each other.

We count, calculate and evaluate everything. Because we are so enamored with measuring, calculating and comparing it blows our minds when we try to comprehend a God and His love that are so infinite that He cannot be measured.  So how can we measure up to a God that cannot be measured? The answer to the question is, we cannot measure up.  So when it was time for the examination he sent his son, the flawless lamb of God, to be our vicarious substitute. What a gracious, merciful God!  The best measuring tool we have to evaluate our progress is the Word of God.


CONFESSION: I am more than a conquerer through Jesus Christ who first loved me. The measure of a man is measured by how he hears God's Word and responds to it! I choose to trust God with all my flaws, failures, inadequacies, weaknesses, mistakes and shortcomings! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


DEFINITION: Measure Up: Means to make the grade, to meet the demand, to be the equivalent to the requirement, to be up to the task.


Middah: Hebrew for measure, measurement, stature, size, garment


Metron:  Greek word for measure, an instrument for measuring, determined extent, portion measured off, measure or limit, proverbially, the rule or standard of judgment


OUTLINE: The Rule of Measurements

1.   Measurements record our growth and give us a way to evaluate our progress.

(And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. Luke 2:52 KJV)

Jesus The Model

2.   When constructing a building, if the measurements for the foundations are off then everything else will be off. 

(And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Ephesians 2:20 KJV)

Jesus The Chief Cornerstone

3.   If the measuring device or instrument is off or broken or needs to be re-calibrated then the measurements will be wrong.

(A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight. Proverbs 11:1 KJV)

Jesus The Standard

4.   When measuring you have got to use the right tools.

The Ten Commandments were the measuring tool God gave the Hebrew people in the wilderness then Jesus reduced it down to two:  Love the Lord with all you heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. (Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 KJV)

Jesus The Way, The Truth and The Life

5.   When measuring even little mistakes could have drastic results.

When baking if your measurements are off the taste, the texture and the look of your product will be altered. (I am that bread of life. John 6:48 KJV)

Jesus The Bread of Life

6.   When giving an offering or tithing, be sure it meets the required God instructed specified measurement.

When the sacrificial lamb was presented to the priest, it had to be without spot or blemish. The offering had to be inspected and measured by God's criteria and found perfect to fulfill the law. (But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 1 Peter 1:19 KJV;   The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1:29 KJV)

Jesus The Lamb of God

7.   Measuring yourself by yourself is not wise.

Someone said its like a one-eyed king comparing his vision to the blind rather than comparing his ability to two 20/20 fully functioning eyes. (For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.                  2 Corinthians 10:12 KJV)

Jesus The King

8.   Measuring is a task that must be done diligently, carefully, faithfully, truthfully and methodically in order to get the best results.  

(And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. Revelation 19:11 KJV)

Jesus The Warrior and The Judge


TEXT:  Job 38:1-6; Isaiah 44:13; Luke 6:38; Ephesians 4:13; Psalm 133:2 (The Hebrew word for measurement is translated garment  in Psalm 133 referring to the measure of authority and anointing God has given to us?)



1.   Which of the following unique, immeasurable attributes of God do you find most fascinating or would you say you need to remember the most?

a.    His thoughts are higher!

b.   His love is endless!

c.    His ways are perfect!

d.   His words are timeless!

e.   His motives are unquestionable!

f.     His faithfulness is indescribable!

g.    His mercy is boundless!

h.   His justice is righteous!

i.      His character is holy!

j.     His power is limitless!

k.    His grace is always sufficient!

l.      His potential is indefinable!

m. His wisdom is all encompassing!

n.   His freedom is uncontainable!

o.   His joy is overflowing!

p.   His peace is incomprehensible!

q.   His patience is everlasting!

r.     His resources are infinite!

s.     His intelligence is unexplainable!

t.     His plans are flawless!

2.   We often measure our lives to prove our uniqueness. In what way do you think that you are most unique?

3.   Read Romans 12. First it says we are to become living sacrifices to God. Second, we are to be transformed by renewing our minds. And third, we are to do this through grace remembering each of us has been given the measure of faith. Then the writer begins to give us a measuring stick of gifts we have and how we should behave as believers. Pick one verse in Romans 12 that speaks to you and comment.

4.   Count how many times any form of the word measure is used in Ezekiel 40. In the New Testament we are the temple! What is God measuring in our lives? (Our Fruit, Our Motives, Our Attitudes, Our Words, etc...)

5.   Responses to not measuring up in the Bible include: Adam blamed Eve, Cain killed Able, Abraham lied about Sarah, Jacob cheated Esau out of His Blessing, Joseph held on to God's Word, Daniel & three Hebrew boys let God do the measuring, Moses interceded for the Israelites when they didn't measure up, Isaiah said I am a man of unclean lips, John the Baptist said Behold the Lamb..of whom I am not worthy, John the Apostle said I am John who Jesus loves! How do people respond today when they don't feel like they measure up?

a.    Pout about it

b.   Justify it by comparing themselves to others

c.    Blame others

d.   Try harder

e.   Whine & Complain about it

f.     Trust God to enable them to overcome it

g.    Meditate on what Jesus did for them

h.   Quit trying all together

i.      _____________________________________________________

6.   Man literally attempts to measure just about everything from time to capacity to speed to distance. We use telescopes, microscopes, rulers, clocks, scales, gauges and calipers and many other tools.  Is it any wonder we are stressed out of our heads with numbers, comparisons, evaluations, assessments, examinations, and statistics? Right now is there any area of your life that you do not feel that you measure up? If so, what are they?





ACTION POINT: This week I will remind myself every time I fail to measure up that Jesus' love and grace are immeasurable, therefore I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!