"Soak Up!"


ICEBREAKER: Studying is a form of soaking, as in soaking up information. What is/was your favorite subject to study in school? Why?


CONFESSION: When I soak up God's principles, God's practices, God's promises, God's prophecies and God's proclamations I become filled to overflowing with God's life, His love and His laughter. My spirit is like a sponge. It is constantly absorbing and drinking in something. Therefore to the best of my ability I choose to only absorb what is good, just, pure, lovely, virtuous and of a good report. A sponge's absorption level is directly related to whether it has been immersed in water and is no longer dry and hard. I choose to be immersed in God and increase my capacity to soak up more of God! I want to be a receiver and not a repeller of the corrections and the disciplines of God. I was created to soak up God's presence, His anointing and His glory, so that when the pressures of life put the squeeze on me the only thing that flows out of me is the "zoe" life of God!



To become immersed, baptized, to drink deeply of something, to absorb both internally and externally, intellectually and spiritually, empirically and experientially, naturally and supernaturally, metaphorically and genuinely, physically and metaphysically.


OUTLINE: 12 Super Soakers


What are believers called to soak up?


I was created with the desire, the capacity and the ability to...

·        Soak up the overflowing, outpouring, indwelling anointing oil of God's Spirit

·        Soak up the saturating, ground breaking, heart softening rain of the Holy Spirit of God

·        Soak up the penetrating, permeating, soul stirring presence of God

·        Soak up the irradiating, glistening, phosphorescent sunlight of God's truth

·        Soak up the world changing, status quo challenging, thought provoking wisdom of God

·        Soak up the soul settling, fear calming, mind boggling, incomprehensible peace of God

·        Soak up the fountain bubbling, artesian well erupting, spirit energizing wine of God's Spirit

·        Soak up the life giving, love lifting, kingdom gifting, never ending river of God's grace

·        Soak up the glorious, victorious, uplifting sound of heaven

·        Soak up the soul cleansing, mind purifying, heart transforming Word of God

·        Soak up the burden removing, yoke destroying, sin canceling power of God

·        Soak up the resource releasing, wealth creating, brainstorming provision of God


9 Total Immersion Principles in Christ...

1.    Total immersion requires complete surrender (Floating in water requires complete inactivity and total surrender) Be still & know...

2.    Total immersion absolutely, entirely changes the atmosphere and the environment (Just before the thunderstorm the temperature drops, barometric pressure shifts, and increased wind velocity produce extreme atmospheric change...)

3.    Total immersion symbolizes death, burial and resurrection. (Baptism)

4.    Total immersion silences every other voice, sound or noise. (ocean)Your voice & the enemy's voice. You can't speak under water.

5.    Total immersion encompasses, envelopes and isolates you like a cocoon while you are undergoing the transformation process (Metamorphosis)

6.    Total immersion is a cleansing, purifying, toxin removing process (bath)

7.    Total immersion is followed by recognition, affirmation and promotion  (When John baptized Jesus, a voice from heaven declared, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased")

8.    Total immersion brings unity (For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:27-29 KJV))

9.    Total immersion brings complete deliverance. (Like pharaoh and his army, what saves you now swallows up your enemy.)


TEXT:  Matthew 3:16, 17 KJV, Romans 6:1-16 KJV, 1 Corinthians:10:1-17



1.   Soaking Up means to be immersed or baptized. It was a term that was used in the Greek language to describe what happens when a fabric is completely dipped in a color dye. Not only was the fabric enveloped by the liquid color of the dye but the dye permeated the fabric so that when it dried, the dye changed the color of the fabric permanently. How does being baptized in Christ change your perceptions, your reactions and your dreams?

2.   Have you been water baptized? If so how did you feel afterwards and if not what is stopping you?

3.   Today which of the 12 super Soakers listed above would you like or do you need to soak up a little more?

4.   When Moses soaked up the presence of God on the mountain, it so illuminated his countenance that the people could not even look upon his face. What does it feel like to be in God' presence?

5.   1 Corinthians 10:1-4 explains how the Hebrew people with Moses were baptized in the cloud and in the sea. I believe the cloud represents the Kingdom of Heaven and the sea represents the world or the cosmos system. It's interesting that while they were baptized in the sea as they walked through on dry land the sea actually never touched them. I believe this is a picture of how we are in this world but not of this world as our source. Name one thing or way of thinking this world has tried to baptize or immerse us in that you are fed up with.

6.   Which one of the the 9 total immersion principles in Christ listed above impressed you most?





ACTION POINT: This week I will set aside some time to simply turn on some praise and worship music and soak up God's presence while focusing on nothing but the goodness of God!