"Shut Up!"


ICEBREAKER: Do an imitation or impression of someone and let the group guess who it is.


CONFESSION: I am called, anointed, appointed, gifted, equipped, graced,

commissioned, and empowered to shut up and silence the voice of the enemy. When the voices of inner conflict and insecurity rise up against me I will shut them up in the name of Jesus by rejoicing in the Lord. I will declare "shut up!" to all the following voices:

·        The voice of fear & intimidation 

·        The voice of doubt & unbelief

·        The voice of shame & guilt

·        The voice of rejection & abandonment

·        The voice of depression & discouragement

·        The voice of temptation & deception

·        The voice of pain & suffering

·        The voice of regret & loss

·        The voice of condemnation & bondage

·        The voice of negativity & Inordinate grief

·        The voice of lust & passion

·        The voice of envy & vengeance 

·        The voice of complacency & apathy

·        The voice of aggravation & frustration


DEFINITION:  Shut Up: To silence, to lock down, to still


OUTLINE: Life Lessons From The Story Of Hannah


Sometimes God shuts up what's in you until you are desperate enough to ask him to unlock it.


Sometimes the voices of inner conflict seem louder that the voices of affirmation


Sometimes there is a painful longing that is so deep that nothing else will satisfy or satiate it


Sometimes you have to demand that the voices of contention, condemnation and contempt just shut up


Sometimes your desire for more cannot even be verbalized out loud but don't worry because God hears hearts and reads lips


Sometimes no one but God can hear what our soul is screaming for


Sometimes the prophetic voice will rise up in midst of our disappointment and sorrow to shut down and silence every other voice


Sometimes God will cause even the voice of our adversary to bless us


TEXT: 1 Samuel 1-2



1.   How do you deal with disappointment?

a.    Pout

b.   Scream

c.    Shut down & withdraw

d.   Give it to God

e.   Blame somebody else

f.     Make somebody else pay

g.    ______________________________

2.   Who all in the story failed to initially be encouraging to Hannah?

3.   The Bible says that God shut up Hannah's womb. Her barren womb spiritually represents any place in your life that has not been fruitful or flourishing. If God were to give you the desire of your heart or unlock your potential what would it be?

4.   Which of the voices listed in the confession seem to be the most irritating to you?

5.   Have you ever had a time in your life you wanted something so bad that you would have sacrificed or done anything legal to get it? Explain.

6.   Why do you think believers so often listen to the voices of negativity and deception instead of just demanding that they shut up?





ACTION POINT: This week every time I encounter the voice of the enemy I will rejoice in the Lord with a sixty second praise break!