"Pull Up/Pluck Up


ICEBREAKER: Name a food that is a root that you like to eat. (ginger,  potato, sweet potato, yams, carrot, horseradish, parsnip, wasabi, turnip, radish, rutabagas, shallot, beets)


CONFESSION: In Jesus name, I command every root system in me that is not of God to wither and die. Root systems of bitterness, deception, denial, fear, jealousy, bondage, addiction, impurity, and sins of the tongue all have to go! I will pull up, pluck up and uproot anything that challenges the will, the ways, the Word and the work of the Lord!


DEFINITION:  Bitter Roots:

They are our sinful responses to situations that happen in our lives.

They are condemning vows and judgments of other people.

They are the choices we make when we refuse to forgive someone.


OUTLINE: Root Facts About Root Issues

1.    Roots grow in dark places; move toward the darkness

*Bitterness grows in obscurity and sometimes we don't realize it until it creates a blockage or slows down our flow!

2.    Roots break through foundational bedrock

        *Roots of deception often pierce through the stability of

        foundational truth.

3.    Roots entangle themselves around whatever they can get ahold of

        *The entanglement causes every area of your life to be entrapped

        with these roots

4.    Some roots become food: ginger, sweet potato, carrot, horseradish, parsnip, turnip, radish, rutabagas, shallot, beets

        * What are you feeding people from the soil of your heart to the

        fruit of your lips?

5.    Roots absorb the moisture

        *Bitterness will steal the moisture and dry out your soul

6.    Stems cannot live without the root

        *If you wanna get rid of the fruit you gotta get rid of the root

        *If you wanna get better you gotta quit being bitter

        *If you wanna stop being mad you gotta get glad

        *If you wanna claim the win you gotta renounce the sin

7.    Roots can grow deep

        *Bitter roots grow deep and become false anchoring beliefs

8.    Roots start small and get bigger and bigger

9.    Roots can create a blockage so strong nothing gets through

10. Roots form systems or networks






        *Anger and rage






TEXT: Exodus 15:1-24, Hebrews 12:15, Ephesians 4:31



1.   In the account chronicled in Exodus 14 and 15 how long did it take for God's children to go from jubilant appreciation to rancorous bitterness? How long does it usually take for us to forget the last big miracle or intervention God has performed in our lives?

2.   Name one thing that makes people bitter.

3.   Why do you think Hebrews 12:15-16 connects a root of bitterness with fornication or sexual immorality while mentioning Esau's sin?

4.   What are some of the foundational truths that the roots of deception in our society have compromised?

5.   One day Jesus spoke to the roots of a fig tree and commanded them to wither and die. How could you speak to the roots of bitterness, un-forgiveness and inordinate grief?

6.   Identify one negative result from allowing a bitter root to grow  in your life?





ACTION POINT: This week I will give permission to the Holy Spirit as an act of my will to do some excavation on my soul to help me find and pull up any root system that needs to go.