“Man Up!”


ICEBREAKER: Who is your favorite action movie actor, in other words, the epitome of a man’s man?  (John Wayne, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Lee, Bruce Willis, Jackie Chan, Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington, Vin Diesel, Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Clint Eastman, Jason Statham, Chuck Norris, Jet Li, Steven Segal, Sean Connery, Samuel L. Jackson, Morgan Freeman, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Jean Claude Van Dame, Wesley Snipes, Daniel Craig, Burt Reynolds, Nicolas Cage, Liam Neeson, Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Al Pacino, Robert Redford, Matt Damon, Patrick Swayze, Russel Crow, Tom Selleck, Don Knotts....)


CONFESSION: No more excuses, no more blaming others, no more doubt, no more bitterness, no more manipulation, no more whining, no more pouting, no more abuse, no more victimization, no more worrying, no more rationalizing, no more childish behavior, no more bad attitudes, no more shame, no more throwing baby fits, no more lies, no more justifying wrong thinking, no more feeling sorry for myself, no more putting others down, no more denial, no more withdrawal, no more procrastination, no more raging, no more wasting time, no more entitlement mentalities, no more misusing people, no more stepping on others to reach my goals. 


DEFINITION: Man up: Be Brave, Be Daring, Be Strong, Be Courageous



Be a man of God; Get smart

Be a man of your Word & God’s Word; Get serious

Be a man of determination; Git’er done!

Be a man of repentance; Get real

Be a man after God’s own heart; Get focused

Be a man of worship; Get lost in Him

Be a man of no compromise; Get over yourself

Be a man of compassion; Get sensitive

Be a man of courage; Get brave

Be a man of action & not just words; Get busy

Be a man of war so you can keep the peace; Get ready


TEXT: 1 Kings 2:1-4; Romans 1:20; 2:1-3



1.    Name someone in the Bible that made an excuse for his or her behavior.

2.    Which of the following reasons for making excuses jumps out at you?  We make excuses because....

a.    We feel inadequate or insecure

b.   We are afraid of the consequences of our choices

c.    We do not want to face the truth

d.   We do not want to take responsibility for our actions

e.    We think it is easier to complain and stay a victim

f.     We believe our own lies

g.    We choose to live in denial

h.    We don’t feel in control of our situation

i.      We don’t realize how lame our excuses really sound

j.     We use them to rationalize our addictions and bad habits

k.    We refuse to manage our time, talents & resources

l.      We are in co-dependent relationships

m.  We don’t want to change!

n.    We are just behaving like the role models we grew up with

3.    In 1 Kings 2:1-4, just before David died what advice did he give his son, Solomon, so he could prosper?

4.    What does it mean to be strong and be the man?

5.    I believe that the angels radioed heaven with the message, “Man Down!” in the garden when Adam and Eve fell.  Then God sent the God-man, Jesus Christ to elevate Man Up to the cross so mankind could once again walk in victory.  Why have we bought into the lie that we are only human when only humanity was created in the image of God?

6.    In Luke 14:18-20 what kind of excuses did people use to justify not coming to the feast?

7.    Identify one excuse you have been using or have used in your life that you need to surrender to God.

a.    I’m too young

b.   I’m too old

c.    I’m not smart enough

d.   I’m too busy right now

e.    My situation is different from everyone else’s

f.     I’m too tired

g.    It’s my family or culture’s fault I’m this way

h.    Everybody hurts me and rejects me anyway

i.      I’ve already tried and it didn’t work

j.     I don’t want to be a hypocrite

k.    I just can’t ____________________

l.      ______________________________





ACTION POINT: This week I choose to be the man or the woman that God has called me to be.  I refuse to use any excuses for my sins, my shortcomings, my flaws and my mistakes!  I be on time, to be responsible, to be a good steward, to be honorable, to be merciful, to be honest.