"Make up!"


ICEBREAKER:  If they quit making "make up" name one organic thing they could use as a substitute.


CONFESSION:  I was not the result of some random release of masterfully designed genetic material chronologically dispensed in the universe by chance. I was made up, made out of, and made as an extension of the Master designer with a specific sequential order to be the strategic answer to some problem in your community or world.

I am God's kairos for the chaos!  

I am God's answer for the cancer

I am God's promise for the problem

I am God's medicine for the debt of sin

I am God's breakthrough for the breakdown

I am God's upside to the downside


DEFINITION: Make up: To put together; construct or compose: make up a prescription.

To constitute; form: Ten years make up a decade.

To alter one's appearance for a role on the stage, as with a costume and cosmetics.

To apply cosmetics.

To devise as a fiction or falsehood; invent: made up an excuse.

To make good (a deficit or lack): made up the difference in the bill.

To compensate for: make up for lost time.

To resolve a quarrel: kissed and made up.

To make ingratiating or fawning overtures. Used with to: made up to his friend's boss.

To take (an examination or course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure.

To set in order: make up a room.

To select and arrange material for: made up the front page.



Make up: reconcile


Make up: cosmetics covering the flaws


Make up: the redemptive disappointment fixer, you make up the difference


Make up: the exam you missed or failed 


Make up: The sum total of what constitutes your being you


Make up: Make up your mind; decide with determination, clarity and finality


Make up: make up your bed, to put back in order, to make ready, clean up, repair


Make up: to make arrangements in advance



You are not just made by the Master, you were made of the Maker. You were made out of the God kind of material. When a cow makes milk, the milk is not just made by the cow, it is made of the cow. Fruit is not just made by the soil, it is made of the soil. You do not have, nor will you ever have, His omnipotence, His omnipresence, or His omniscience, but you were created out of His likeness and image, with His nature and His character. When you speak His Words in season, it is as if He is speaking! You were not made in China, Japan, Mexico, India or even the USA. You were made in Heaven in the heart of God's imagination for such a time as this!  


You are the Master physician's prescription for a sin sick generation


You are the Master chemist's antidote for the toxins in a poisoned people


You are the Master creator's most ingenious invention for a generation that has wasted and used up its natural resources 


You are the Master strategist's surprise weapon released just in the nick of time on the battlefield of a lost generation


You are the Master writer's most descriptive, diplomatic, and well placed word releasing hope to a love starved generation


You are the Master chef's most closely guarded secret ingredient to spice up a bland, flavorless and tasteless generation. (Salt)


You are the Master craftsman's most beautifully, intricately and skillfully crafted masterpiece displayed to bring inspiration to a hopeless generation


You are the Master locksmiths carefully made up master key to unlock the doorway to potential,  possibilities and purpose for a stuck, stranded and stung generation


TEXT: Malachi 3:1-18 (KJV), Ezra 5:9 (KJV), Ezekiel 22:30 (KJV),         1 Peter 2:9, Joel 2:25 (The Message)



1. What kind of material is God made of?

2. What does it mean to be God's jewel and how are most jewels


3. Most jewels and precious stones are graded on level of strength or

    hardness. How strong is your resolve to withstand the pressures and

    blows of life right now?

4. What kind of pressure and heat have you been enduring lately?

5. What in your life could use an extreme makeover?

6."Make up" is applied in steps or stages. The process is extremely

    important. What steps have you taken to improve your spiritual






ACTION POINT:  This week every time I see someone with "make up" on I will thank God for the blood of Jesus that covers all my spots, wrinkles and blemishes.