"Turn Up!"


ICEBREAKER:  Name one positive thing about America!


INTRODUCTION:  I believe that our God is turning up the heat, turning up the pressure and turning up the volume of His voice. I also believe that as God turns up the intensity, His true covenant people will turn up the passion for God's Kingdom! Jesus' disciples changed their world! Most of Jesus' disciples had no...Media or space age technology, Money and resources, Modern transportation, Formal theological education or ordination papers, Political clout, Property or ministry assets, Borrowing power or lending agencies, Mass marketing strategies, branding  or collateral materials or even books or CDs, Fancy vestments or clerical robes, icons or liturgies, Denominational hierarchies or headquarters or ecumenical affiliations, or Postal service or printing presses!


Paul and Silas, in Acts 17, were referred to as those who have turned the world upside down and literally that meant, they that turned what was upside down, right side up!  In our society and culture, what was considered good has now become bad and vice versa. Right has become wrong, sin has become sacred and up has become down. Our God is not only a problem solver but He is also a reproducer of problem solvers. I truly believe our nation is especially looking for the problem solvers to arise and turn our world upside down again. We need people who are not afraid to turn up the volume and challenge the status quo without fear of retribution or persecution.


When the king turned up the fire seven times hotter in the Old Testament, it never weakened the resolve of three Hebrew boys to trust their God and refuse to bow. Five results were recorded: 1.) Their enemies were burned up; 2.) The ropes that bound them burned off; 3.) Jesus showed up; 4.) The world recognized Jesus; and 5.) The Hebrew boys were given promotion and prosperity. While the enemy is turning up the heat, so is our God. I believe God is showing us that there is an upside to every down side. James 5 says, “The effectual, fervent red hot prayer of a righteous man avails much.” It's time for the Kingdom problem solvers to turn up the creativity, turn up the passion and turn up the tenacity to redeem the times and turn the world right side up again.



I'm sending a fresh new wind

I'm shaking the systems of men

I'm setting my church ablaze

I'm initiating a brand new phase

I'm revealing the secret things

I'm raising up the corporate kings

I'm setting the captives free

I'm appearing in the suddenlies

I'm igniting the apostolic teams

I'm uniting the different streams

I'm shaping the new wine skins 

I'm breaking the calloused hearts of men

I'm inspiring a new generation of creative, critical thinkers

I'm shifting the paradigms, the templates and the pointed fingers

I'm pouring out the oil and the wine

I'm healing bodies, spirits and minds

I'm raising up my army and my bride

I'm maturing my leaders, my ekklesia to sit by my side

I'm releasing a clarion sound

I'm moving in every village and every town

I'm resisting the proud of this age

I'm promoting the humble to a new stage

I'm preparing the Davids, the Daniels, the Josephs and the Esthers

I'm raising a new breed of leaders that will heal the wounds that have festered

I'm releasing my shock and my awe

I'm putting a hook in my enemy's jaw

I'm cultivating my fields for a brand new harvest season

I'm pruning my vineyards for increase so come let us reason

I'm restoring my house to its former glory

I'm rewriting the headlines so read the whole story

I'm removing the stigma, the stench and the scourge of the past

I'm cleansing, clothing, and claiming my cast

I'm invading the domains of influence and power

I'm pouring out my Spirit on all flesh in this hour

I'm sowing in places you would have never dreamed

I'm expecting a harvest from those I have redeemed

I'm calling my intercessors to pray like never before

I'm sounding an alarm and I'm releasing a holy roar

I'm upsetting the board rooms, the structures and thrones

I'm unveiling a new language, a new sound and a new tone

I'm pressing the issues and I'm stirring the nest

I'm provoking the comfortable to a place of unrest

I'm raising the questions that people are afraid to ask

I'm removing the facades, the illusions and the masks

I'm breaking down barriers, fences and walls

I'm seeking the true worshippers that hear my call

I'm flooding the banks, the coasts and the shores

I'm exposing what's going on behind the scenes and behind closed doors

I'm assessing, refreshing and blessing my kids

I'm removing their limitations, their barriers and lids

Business as usual is about to end

The power centers and power brokers of this world are about to experience my power

Says the Lord


CONFESSION:  I was created to be a problem solver! I was called to be a solution in a world of problems! I was commissioned to turn my world upside down! I was anointed to speak the truth in love! I was appointed to enhance and encourage my community!


DEFINITION:  Turn up: to expose as in turning up the soil, to raise the level or increase the status quo, to show up, to turn the world upside down.



·        Opportunities often come in the form of problems, conflict and crises.

·        Problems, conflict, crisis and pressure don't cause the problem they just reveal the depth of the problem!

·        Problems create the possibility for reward and remuneration.

·        Problem solvers aren't focusing on the problem they are concentrating on the solution.

·        The bigger the problem the greater the reward.

·        Problem solvers don't have time to point fingers, to cry about what has been lost or stolen, or pout about what already should have been.

·        In every problem there is a seed for a massive harvest if we will sow some time and energy into finding it.

·        Problems reveal the definite character of a man not the destined future of a man.

·        A leader is someone who doesn't fear problems but actually looks for problems to solve.

·        The fear of the possibility of a problem fails to see to possibilities in the problem.

·        There has never been or will be a problem that is too big for our God.

·        There has never been or will be a problem that our God has not foreseen.

·        There has never been or will be a problem that our God doesn't know how to turn into our advantage either in the here and now or the eternal by and by.



1.   When Moses and Joshua, Elijah and Elisha needed a bridge God rolled back the water

2.   When the greatest super storm to ever hit the planet flooded the entire Earth God gave Noah a plan to be ready that took a 100 years to accomplish

3.   When the known world was going to have a seven year famine God took Joseph through a series of tests to prepare to hear his voice and save for seven fat years of abundant harvest to be ready for seven lean years of famine

4.   When three Hebrew boys were thrown into a fiery furnace, God had a plan

5.   When God fed the Israelites in the desert he rained down manna but when Jesus fed the five thousand He multiplied what was in his hands from a little boy. 

6.   When God wanted to kill a Giant he found a little teenage harp player

7.   Sometimes God waits for us to become so desperate we ask for his problem solving intervention like Hannah pleading for a son named Samuel that would become the greatest prophet of his generation.


TEXT:  Acts 17:1-10; Acts 26:18 KJV; Psalm 22:27 KJV; John 16:20 KJV; 2 Chronicles 30:6 KJV; 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV



1.  What do you think is the biggest problem in America right now?

2.  Name one wicked way we need to turn from.

3.  Why do you think Paul and Silas would risk everything to tell people about Jesus?

4.  Why do you think they were moved with envy?

5.  Why do you think there is so much hatred for Christianity and godly principles?

6.  How did the disciples turn the known world upside down in their day?





ACTION POINT:  This week I will vote conscience, I will enter the voting booth of my prayer closet every day. I will turn up my boldness and share my faith with others!