“Destiny Stickers”


ICEBREAKER:  Tell us what is your favorite time of the day and why?


CONFESSION: My destination is Heaven, but my destiny is to spend time with Jesus every day, to fellowship with Him, to conform to His image, to become like Him forever.



1.    A pointed blade used to pierce or stab

2.    An industrious person of tenacity, persistence and stamina

3.    A patch of paper with adhesive or glue


OUTLINE:  Destiny Stickers learned to:

1.    Stay the course by faiths force (Hebrews 11)

2.    Laminate and refuse to contaminate (grab hold of their destiny while their destiny was grabbing hold of them)

3.    Stay rested in the promises when tested by the problems

4.    Be developed while they were enveloped (gifts, talents, skills, abilities, character, values, beliefs)

5.    Employ principles now so they could enjoy promotion later (fought through the pain, danced through the rain, worked through the strain)

6.    Refused to rebel while waiting to excel

7.    The drive for more was what motivated them to soar

8.    What they could not escape God would use to mold them into shape


TEXT:  Hebrews 11



1.    How do you know when you are pursuing a destiny with your name on it?

2.    Tell us something that you can only accomplish by faith.

3.    Besides Jesus, name one thing that most people need in this generation in order to embrace their destiny.

4.    Identify one way the world tries to contaminate believers.

5.    Which of the people mentioned in Hebrews 11 most impress you?  Who surprised you they made the list?  Who in the Bible didn’t make the list?

6.    Describe something that will try to stick to you throughout the course of your day if you are not careful.

7.    If you were to remove a destiny sticker that someone put on you and replace it with God’s destiny what would you remove and what would you replace it with?

8.    Our destiny was pierced to Jesus on the cross while he leaked from His wounded pierced body and covered us.  How has your destiny changed now that you have received Christ?