

ICEBREAKER:  What is your favorite thing about Easter?


DEFINITION:  Tetelastai: (Greek) It is finished, it is accomplished, the debt is cancelled, It is done;

1) to bring to a close, to finish, to end

    a) passed, finished

2) to perform, execute, complete, fulfill, (so that the thing done corresponds to what has been said, the order, command etc.)

    a) with special reference to the subject matter, to carry out the contents of a command

    b) with reference also to the form, to do just as commanded, and generally involving the notion of time, to perform the last act which completes a process, to accomplish, fulfill

3) to pay

   a) of tribute


OUTLINE:  Finishing Facts

P     God finished in phases to teach us how to rest and start again each day.

P     Jesus “finish” on the cross marked a new beginning

a. From Law to Grace

b. From Fear to Faith

c. From Old Covenant to New Covenant

d. From the Levites to a whole nation of King-priests

e. From just enough to more than enough

f. From simply servants to successful sons

g. From God’s Spirit on us to God’s Spirit in us

h. From temporal thinking to multigenerational eternal thinking

i. From governments of man to Kingdom of God

j. From performance based religion to love based relationship

P     What Jesus finishes he starts (He is both Alpha & Omega)

P     Finishing requires planning, commitment, & sacrifice

P     Finishers endure now so they can enjoy later

P     Finishers don’t worry about the half time score (Finishing requires focusing)

P     Finishers are time conscious but not time sensitive

P     Finishers are not moved by circumstances, situations or demonic strategies

P     Finishers are not afraid to face off with issues, oppositions, adversaries, adversities or adventures

P     Finishers don’t look for excuses or the exceptions


TEXT:  Luke 24:1-8, Luke 14:26-35, 2 Tim 4:6, John 19:30



1.    When Jesus said, “It is finished” on the cross, what was finished and what would that mean for us?

2.    What is the hardest task for you to finish in your daily life?

3.    The Bible says, what God has started in us He is faithful to complete. Identify something you and God are working on in your life?

4.    Name something God would like believers to be finished with in their personal lives.

a.    Gossip

b.   Bad Attitudes

c.    Uncontrolled Anger & throwing fits

d.   Envy

e.    Laziness & procrastination

f.     Disorganization

g.    Addictions

h.    Making Excuses

i.      Whining & Complaining

j.     Lying

k.    __________________________________________________

5.    Name something that often tries to distract you or steal your focus when you are trying to complete a task or project.

a.    Pain

b.   Past issues

c.    Lack of Confidence

d.   __________________________________________________

6.    Look at Luke 14:26,27, & 33, which of the three reasons one could not be one of Jesus’ disciple would be most difficult for you? Why?