“Christian versus Disciple”


ICEBREAKER:  What is your favorite dessert?


CONFESSION:  I choose to be a disciple of Jesus and not in name only.  I will walk in his ways and live by his words.      


DEFINITIONS: Discipleship – 256 Disciple vs. 3 Christian

A disciple of Christ is one who:

1.    Believes His doctrine (John 6:68)

2.    Rests on His sacrifice (Hebrews 4:3)

3.    Imbibes His Spirit (John 20:22)

4.    Imitates His example (Matthew 10:24; Luke 14:26; John 6:16-71)

5.    Practices His disciplines

6.    Has His DNA

7.    Walks His walk and talks His talk


OUTLINE:  6 Discipleship Stations: Jesus said things.... (John 6:16-70)

Stop #1: Revealing Our Motivations

26 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, you want to be with me because I fed you, not because you understood the miraculous signs.”


Stop # 2: Hard to Understand

60a Many of his disciples said, “This is very hard to understand.”


Stop #3: Hard to Accept

60b “How can anyone accept it?”


Stop #4: Offensive to the Intellect & Emotions

61 Jesus, aware that his disciples were complaining, said to them, “Does this offend you?”

God offends the mind to reveal the heart.


Stop #5: Challenging us to make a Choice

63 The very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.  64 But some of you do not believe me. 


Stop #6: Causing us to have a Revelation

67 Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you also going to leave?”  68 Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go?  You have the words that give eternal life.”


TEXT: John 6:16-70; Luke 14:25-35



1.    Name one benefit of being a disciple.

2.    What is the most difficult thing about being a disciple?

3.    Name a hidden motivation that people struggle with.  (Need for affirmation and recognition, craving for power and authority, seeking God’s hand or what he can do for them, as opposed to seeking to know God....)

4.    In Luke 14:25-35 Jesus mentions three things regarding being a disciple.  Unless you do can’t be my disciple.  What are the three things?

5.    Describe a situation in your walk with God that has been hard to accept.

6.    Discipleship is like a train ride with a series of stops along the way that challenge you to either stay on the train or stop believing and get off.  Looking at the list of stops above, which stop has been most difficult in your discipleship journey?